Accurate predictions for efficient schedules

Accurate forecasts that power optimal rosters

Predelo's adaptive forecasting engine provides you with ever-improving forecasts and feeds our Smart Scheduler with everything it needs to create optimal rosters.

Learns across your entire business to uncover granular demand patterns

Auto-schedule shifts that consider employee availability, skills, stress levels, preferences, compliance needs, and more, whether you created the shifts manually, or we created them for you

Auto-create breaks that are demand-aware, ensuring your service level never drops

Improve employee engagement and recapture revenue with staffing levels that match your demand

See why "optimal" is infinitely better than "good"

Evergreen labor targets that keep up with your business

Whether you schedule based on a wage budget or a labor target like sales per person-hour, we help you ensure you're always setting productive scheduling goals.

Test changes to your labor targets and scheduling process on a small control group of stores

Spot historical scheduling inaccuracies and get recommendations on actions to fix them

Create and update your scheduling metrics and rules by scheduling area, effortlessly

See why staying up-to-date is paramount

Flexible labor targets that adapt to your business needs
Automatically tracking your forecast accuracy

Track & meassure your scheduling operation's health

Predelo comes with Workforce Intelligence and Demand Intelligence, our analytics tools that automatically track your forecast accuracy, your planned, scheduled, and worked hours, labor costs, scheduling accuracy, demand drivers, and more.

Leverage our self-service analytics to create your own dashboards and reports

Discover patterns of overstaffing and understaffing early

Find the most important demographic, holiday, and weather factors that drive your demand

Cluster locations by demand patterns to easily find locations that behave similarly

Learn more about our analytics

Delivered directly to your WFM solution

Predelo is tightly integrated with the Deputy workforce management solution. In one click, we can sync your locations, timesheets, rosters, and everything else.

Automatically push forecasts, staffing requirements, and shifts

Configure the sync process per location

Track the health of your data and integrations with our Data Quality Monitor

Learn more about the power of our integrations

Track the health of your data